Erik Dols
Deeds not words, that’s what we love at WorkingED.
Deeds not words, that’s what we love at WorkingED. And today Niek ten Hove kept his word…. He wanted to show his appreciation for our cooperation and insisted on sending a cake! (Now I myself made the joke if you get the job then we will see the cake appear!) So today we are going to feast! Niek good luck at Etteplan in your role as Strategic Business Development Lead!
Breaking News: Daniëlle Dohmen has joined our recruitment team
Daniëlle has been part of our recruitment team in the Netherlands since this January. After her professional training in tourism, she worked at Maastricht Airport. In her last position she worked as a Senior Business Travel Consultant at a business travel agency. In this role, she maintained frequent contact with international business clients in English, German and Dutch. Her customer orientation, pro-active attitude and accuracy are particularly useful in her new work environment at WorkingED. We also have to adapt to the current labour market and look more to personality and the right drive than to relevant work experience or education.